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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Mosquitos in Damascus

Do you have any idea on what this is for? It's not just a fluorescent light tube. This is a mosquito killer. Bugs are attracted to light at night. So are mosguitos. When they come close to this light tube...


They get exploded as high voltage electric current is running in the tube.

Damascus in the summer is plagued by mosquitos. You sometimes see a government car spraying a large amount of mosquito-repellent gas, which actually repel Syrian people. My hotel room has no air-conditioning. So I open the window. Alongside the chill wind come mosquitos...

The mosquito killer in the above photograph is placed at the entrance of the hotel. During the night, it keeps making bangs. Countless mosquitos - and sometimes fries - go to heaven (or hell?).

I haven't seen this before. After coming back to London, though, I showed this photo to Cheyok, a Singaporean friend of mine. She immediately guessed what it was. She saw it in Malaysia. This suggests that it is widely used in Muslim countries. Does anyone see this somewhere else?


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